Monday, September 26, 2011


Today’s post I will be talking about pain. (Pain #1) This Friday I believe I was a little too vigorous with my Body Combat class, because I woke up on Sunday morning in pain. I must have sprained a back muscle near my right shoulder blade. This is not a pleasant feeling at all. I couldn't find a comfortable position to sleep in last night. I would kill for a practiced RMT massage right about now. I must have punched too hard or something in the class. There is a lesson in this to be mindful of all my movements because a sprain like this can hinder my ability to work out later in the week.

(Pain #2) Beware boys I am entering the land of TMI *evil laughter* I weighed myself this morning and noticed I had gone up a bit; I am not surprised by this as it is “That time of the month” and I always observe a little weight gain as a result of a little water retention. I’m also a little grumpy and noticed that my craving for sweet things has increased. Although this is going to be a little painful to witness after my really successful week, I am not going to take a gain at the scale to heart due to this monthly miracle because I have been on track this week. That is the important part.

(Pain #3) This is not a fitness related pain… but I have to bring my cat to the vet tonight. I am sure that bill will be painful, but I love my fur child and that is a finacial hit I’m willing to take.

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