Friday, September 16, 2011

Inspiration from a Condo Magazine

So I am reading a free condo guide magazine because I love window shopping from property (I kid you not, ask my mom I am always looking at or when I am at home). ANYWAYS there is this article by Hellen Buttigieg *snicker @name* and she has two points in her article on taking time for yourself. First she writes about how important it is to live in the moment "We have become a society of multi-taskers, but in an effort to be more eficient, we have robbed ourselves of the pure release that comes from performing simple tasks.....focus only on the task at hand. Engage your senses." I like that, it reminds me of the commercial where to couple takes the hike to the top of the cliff and the husband is checking his crackberry and she and the dog are enjoying the view. Life is short. Live every moment as if it were your last, because tomorrow.... you could be dead. Second bit I liked was "Life has a way of flowing effortlessly when we put ourselves out there. If there's something you've been wanting in your life, take one small action toward it and notice how other things fall into place."

So have a great weekend, go outside, and do something fun.

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