Thursday, November 10, 2011

Under the weather

I have a cold and I am at home today. I was supposed to go to the gym yesterday but by the end of the day I was feeling so drained I just went home. I made a bee line for the couch and camped out there for the entire evening. Someone made a very good point that I should use the energy which I would have expended at the gym to recover or else I will be sick for a lot longer. I top of the cold I had Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness aka DOMS, which I think as appropriate because it feels like I have been beaten. My legs from the kettle bell workout were killing me; thankfully they feel better this morning.

I do have some good news, I measured myself with the tape measure yesterday and I discovered that I have lost an inch from my stomach. Yay!!!!!

Alright, I am going back to bed. Until tomorrow everybody.

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