Monday, November 28, 2011

Busy Bee

Sorry for the late reply. Work has been nuts these past few days.

I went to body combat class on Friday and it felt really good to be active again. On Saturday I knew I was going out to Rancho Relaxo, so I checked the menu for the least pointable item (2 soft tacos) and asked for more salad and no rice. I also restricted myself to 1 beer instead of partaking in the pitcher of sangria #FTW. I uploaded a whole bunch of new MP3’s onto my iPod so I have new things to listen to while walking. I weighed in on the scale again this morning and both readings that the stupid thing was showing me are pretty good (186.8 & 187.1) Both of those are less then what last weeks weigh in (188.4) was so I am hoping that it stays that way. It means that sending my daily tracker to my leader is working.It is keeping me more vigilant.

*sigh* Back to work.

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