Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I am the body beautiful

Alright it is list making time I think. The amount crap I can say about myself is a never ending list ("I'm fat", "I hate my ass" yadda yadda). Why do we say negative things to ourselves? We are beautiful! So I think today I am going to make a list of things (aesthetically) that I like about myself. Let’s try for five things….

#1 My Eyes

They change color depending on what I am wearing and kind of always reminded me of being shaped like a cat.

#2 My Height

I’m tall like an amazon which is handy for reaching stuff on the top shelf, not so much for slow dancing with my grade 6 boyfriend Alecos.

#3 My lips

Plump, always moisturized (thanks to my Chapstick obsession) and great for kissing.

#4 My skin… most of it

I am fortunate to have always had (for the most part) blemish free skin. It is soft and white like alabaster.

#5 My newly emerged Décolletage

I have collar bones now!

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