Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Chchch.... Changes

Weight Watchers Stats
Starting Weight: 303.2 lbs
Weigh in Weight: 189.2 lbs
Weight Variance: -1.4 lbs
Total Weight Loss: 114.0 lbs

Last week was the last time our weight watcher group would meet at the Charles Street location on the 9th floor. I am going to miss that space because of the size of the room and the nostalgia that it would bring of the time I spend at Isabella Court. We have moved to the YMCA at Grosvenor St just north of College Street and the space that they temporarily put us in was very tight. It will just have to suffice until the larger meeting room is available.

I wasn’t sure what to expect at this weight in and I was happy to discover that I went down 1.4 lbs. Now after the week that I had, I was hoping/dreaming that my effort would be reflective of the loss (say by dropping five pounds), however at this point I just want it to go progressively down. I do not care by how much each week, as long as it goes in that direction. I’m sick of the moguls my weight loss journey has become. I want slow and steady is what I crave. I am going to continue to make my own dinners this week and I am going to continue to send my daily tracking to my leader.

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