Friday, November 11, 2011

Apparently slow and steady does win the race.

Good morning everyone. I am on day two of the weirdest cold/flu I have ever had. I am experiencing aches, headaches and a little congestion, not your typical runny nose, coughing type of cold. So I am now in the basement under a nice warm comforter about to enjoy a decadent day of Netflix. So what I wanted to talk about today is muscles. I was listening to “Fat 2 Fit” radio and they were talking about losing weight quickly. They said that if you lose more then 1-2 pounds a week you are not only losing fat you are also losing muscle. Turns out that having muscle helps with weight loss. Think of them as food burning machines. By having a lot of muscle you can eat more day to day and maintain weight. Also it will keep you strong. I thought that the 1-2 pound recommended weight loss was what Weight Watchers was spouting was so that you would have to stay in the program longer or make the people who were not doing the program correctly feel better about themselves because their little amount of weight loss would fall in the range. I lost over 100 lbs from January to November of last year, which is retrospect is kind of fast. The funny thing is that I simply ate well and exercised. I wasn’t going to Dr Bernstein measures to lose the weight, It is like it just melted off. Now I am wondering how much of what I lost was lean muscle mass. Regardless this is why I have begun weight lifting, I was to rebuild what I might have lost. I want to tone my body.

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