Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Body Composition Analyzer

I went to the gym Wednesday night, ran/walked on the treadmill and worked my upper body with the free weights. After my workout I asked one of the trainers if I could be measured on the body composition analyzer (fancy name for the Goodlife scale). I was curious to know what it would say my BMI and Fat % would be. For my 5'10 frame my BMI 27.4 and that my body fat percentage was 36.8. Huh... For some reason I thought my % was around 30%. Looks like I have some work to do in regards to reducing that. I would like to get to a BMI of 25 and a fat % range of 25–31% (less would be nice approx 21–24%).

So how am I going to loose more body fat and gain muscle? More aerobics and cardio exercises? Any suggestions? For the record I just told my sister my body fat % and she thinks the machine is lying or at least incorrect. *shrug*

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