Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Definition: Firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.

I worked out with Christine last night. We did level 2 of the kettle bell Jillian Michaels video and worked up quite a sweat. My legs are killing me so I can only imagine what it is going to feel like later. I ate well all week and only spilled over into my weekly points on Saturday (25 of my 49). I went to a truly outrageous surprised birthday party and consumed a little too much beer. I didn’t puke this time which is a step forward but 5 beers are too much. I also exercised enough to earn 74 activity points this week. I hope my effort is going to reflect on the scale. Sending my daily tracking to my leader has been very effective and I would recommend doing something similar if you are struggling. A friend of mine told me that he has been slipping lately and promised he would send me his daily tracker. I have another friend who sends me their weight in results ever week because they are wanting to get fit for a wedding. I am more then willing to help out any way I can.

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