Friday, October 21, 2011

Treat yourself kindly

I would like to speak to you on a topic that is of great importance. For all the effort and time we put into transforming our bodies into a healthier version of our previous selves, our motivation should not be vanity. It should be driven by the love you have for yourself. We should be treating our bodies like a temple, with respect, reverence and devotion. You are beautiful no matter how you look aesthetically, however by altering your lifestyle you are placing a value on your health, your body and your life. Funny how I was confident with my body even at 300 lbs, however I wasn’t treating myself with respect. Remember that you are doing this because you love yourself so much, perhaps only then can you direct that love outwards. I think that often during this transformation we do not always treat ourselves kindly. We sometimes can only see the faults in our form, hurl insults at ourselves. I have problems with accepting compliments, I so readily believe that they are lying or I find fault with their suggestion. “You are looking great” “Oh thanks, but I gained three pounds this week.” I wonder why sometimes I put so little value on my efforts. Do you do this?

This week I am going to commit to doing nice things for myself, to find ways to love myself again. I think I will reward myself with things other than food to make me feel beautiful. Perhaps I will purchase a bath bomb and have a nice soak. Take the time to give myself a manicure, maybe purchase a new piece of clothing. I need to get in touch with my inner Aphrodite.

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