Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Slacking on tracking

Ow…. I woke up this morning and all the muscles in my forearms and hands are sore. It took me a moment to remember the 2nd day workout delay rule and that it was due to rock climbing on Monday night. I am working through the pain but it is surprisingly uncomfortable to type right now, who would have know that the typing muscles are the ones utilized during rock climbing.

Weight Watchers Stats
Starting Weight: 303.2 lbs
Weigh in Weight: 190.6 lbs
Weight Variance: +2.4 lbs
Total Weight Loss: 112.6 lbs

I knew I was going to gain this week because my monthly friend is about to arrive, however I know that all of the weight gain cannot be attributed to water retention. I went to a baby shower and to be honest I have been slacking on tracking. So I decided during my meeting that I am going to be sending my Weight Watcher leader Lindsay my daily tracking each day via email so that I will have to be accountable to someone. I am also going to be in charge of my own dinners for the next week or so. It will be chicken breasts and vegetables/salads for the next while. I really want to get rid of this weight by Christmas/Yule. January marks my anniversary as a Weight Watcher member. Two years I have been on program and I do not want to have to pay anymore. I want to put that money towards something nice, like a vacation.


  1. I find if I don't track immediately when I eat breakfast in the morning - eat, sit down and track it before I leave the house, thats it - I don't track for the day.

    Its a really easy pattern to set because I loose one day, I loose the week.

    I am the same way. I want to stop paying, but I have another 15-20lbs to go and its going to take my probably another year, based on the rate I have been loosing.

    If you don't mind, what are you setting as your goal? You are pretty close, right? I know you can keep with it and make the lifetime!

  2. I would like to be 175 lbs. That gives me 15.6 lbs to loose.

  3. I kinda feel like it's a done deal you'll get there. I mean.. you've come this far... I have complete faith.

  4. It is really resting my determination that is for sure.
