Monday, October 24, 2011

Bring your lunch

Wow, the weekend went by quickly. I enjoyed my body combat class on the Friday. I was sore after the class so I knew I was going to feel the effects on Sunday. Bought a pretty shell necklace, pampered myself and enjoyed a few decadent hours of sleep in time. Today I am going rock climbing with my friend Matt, which I am looking forward too. I haven’t done rock climbing since high school so it will be interesting to see if I can still do it.

Today I wanted to talk about being prepared. One of the best ways to arm yourself for success is to pack a healthy lunch. On Sunday you can always make a nice large batch of meals for the week ahead. Not only will this help you out financially, it will be a wiser choice then any fast food option. You can always purchase weight watcher or lean cuisine frozen meals if you do not have time to cook. Bring fruit instead of the 100 calorie snack packs, you will feel much more satisfied, I promise. If you have a few snacks you can space them out over the day so that you never feel famished.

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