Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Get your A$$ in gear woman! Make it so!

Weight Watchers Stats
Starting Weight: 303.2 lbs
Weigh in Weight: 189.4 lbs
Weight Variance: +1.0 lbs
Total Weight Loss: 113.8 lbs

So when thinking of a theme for todays post all of a sudden a scene from "Star Trek: First Contact" popped into my head (TNG rules). It's when Captian Picard is all ranty and emo and screams "The line must be drawn here!" It's hilarious but so true. So..... things may a slipped a bit over the holidays and it is taking me a little longer to get back into the groove. I do not want to get back into the 90's again.
Last week this girl Liz from Weight Watchers and I decided that we were going to set a goal for ourselves with a deadline of Valentines day (which falls on a weight watchers night). My goal is to get into the 70's and hers was to get her 50 lbs bling. Both are ambitious but I really need a bit of competition to kick myself in the butt.

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