So speaking of Weight Watchers, it turns out that they are going to be tweaking the program in the upcoming months. My leader hinted that the daily point amount will be changed into a daily range. So for me my range could be from 33-31 points a day or even 33-30 points a day. That sure will add up, that is almost eating 14-21 more points over a week. Hmmm…. Perhaps they are lowering it because depending on how much fruit one eats they need to perhaps shoot for a lower daily range. I know that a lot of people are complaining about this current program. I have only lost about 20 pounds on the plan since I started points plus back in December. Comparatively the other plan gave me more loss, but I wonder how fair it to compare it because now that I am so close to my goal I will see less weight loss.
Either way I hope the changes that will be made will help me lose these 13 pounds. I still am not 100% better so I opted not to work out last night. I am wondering how wise it would be to do body combat on Friday. Those are exhausting on a good day, let alone when I have a compromised immune system. Perhaps I will try to get a few walks in this weekend.
I wouldn't worry about the tweaks too much; I think that they will be just that - tweaks. I think they will be counting a few fruits with points, which is one of the reasons why I suspect there will be a range....