Friday, November 4, 2011


Determination: Deciding or controlling something's outcome or nature.

Back to the gym I went, fueled by the desire to lower that body fat percentage. I had an errand to do near King and Yonge, so I had the idea to visit the 24 hour main gym at 137 Yonge Street. However as I approached the entrance I noticed that every treadmill was in use, every elliptical and it looked crowded. Fuck that! So I walk the short distance to the women’s gym, remember the once that I commented a few weeks ago that reminds me of a spa. It was way quieter in there. I ran on the treadmill for 15 solid minutes (new record) at 4.5 and walked another 15-20 minutes. I worked on my lower body until my legs were shaking with expended effort and enjoyed 20 minutes on the massage chair. I am sticking to my regimented diet and accountability routine which I have been working on this past week and tonight I will be going to body combat. I will be sorely ticked if I do not lose this week. LOL

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