Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Bake Sale Day

Weight Watchers Stats
Starting Weight: 303.2 lbs
Weigh in Weight: 188.4 lbs
Weight Variance: +0.2 lbs
Total Weight Loss: 114.8 lbs

Gained a bit this week, but considering that because I have been sick I haven’t been as active as I normally have, I am not surprised. I also believe that it is going to be that time of the month soon.

Today I am going to try and mentally rehearse for success. Today is the United Way bake sale. Last night I baked cookies for the event and I made just the right amount so that I wouldn’t have the opportunity to “test” any. I am also planning in my head that when they come buy trying to see the cookies around the department I am going to refuse. I am imagining that they do not taste very good, are not worth the calories. Do you guys have any sayings or quotes that I can put up at my desk to dissuade me from eating baked goods?I would love to hear them.

Something along the lines of “Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.”

1 comment:

  1. Ask yourself 'Do I REALLY want it?', 'will I be glad I ate it afterwards?' - those work for me.

    Another thing I heard this week is 'don't eat unless you're hungry enough to eat an apple' so no snacking and 'if you're hungry enough to eat an appple, eat an apple'
