The gods were smiling on us this long weekend, what beautiful weather! I was able to go for many nice walks this weekend and enjoy the trees full with autumn leaves. I was also able to get together with my friend Christine yesterday morning for a run around the local high school track (DMCI represent). Normally we run at night and we were hoping for a cool morning breeze; however it was almost uncomfortably hot at 10:30 am with not wind whatsoever. (#firstworldproblems) However half of the track was covered in shade so we got relief on the home stretch. We make the commitment to run for 30 minutes and we only have to make a pit stop half way for water. The thing I am very proud of is that I kept up with her the entire time. *happy dance* Granted she wasn’t running her fastest because she was getting over a cold, but it was faster then I normally run. That last lap was a killer, I just kept yelling at myself in my head. "Come on!!!" "You can do it!!!" "Just one more lap!!!" "Do NOT give up now!!!". I think we ran around the track a total of 9 times which is around 3.5 kilometers. I would like to be able to run 5 kilometers eventually. It seems like a good goal, I am not sure if I want to do a race, but just get my body used to that amount of cardio… you know for when the zombie apocalypse occurs, I need to make sure I can out run them.
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