Monday, October 3, 2011

Heroine of the Week: Xena

I have decided to feature a few ladies who represent a strong fitness goal for me. She would be someone who is both psychically fit and sexy to boot. Today I think I will focus on Lucy Lawless as Xena, warrior princess. I used to love watching this show, partly I was drawn to the show for the pagan gods running amuck, and the other is because I loved the strong role model of Xena. She was a physically powerful lady in leather who got to kick ass every week and had both men and Gods knocking on her door. She fought with her body, a sword; a neat weapon called a Chakram, and could do flips in the air. I always liked that she was curvy too (strong legs and pronounced hips) and not rail thin. Also liked that she was kind a bitch at times too, or perhaps the word is tough. She sort of balanced the tough, sexy, nice thing perfectly. Aesthetically I can’t pull off the look (being a fair blonde and her having darker features) but with my body type I might be able to pull off the strong leg like her. Perhaps I will put the theme song on my playlist to help motivate me run that extra few minutes.

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