Starting Weight: 303.2 lbs
Weigh in Weight: 191.2 lbs
Weight Variance: +3.0 lbs
Total Weight Loss: 112.0 lbs
That is right Wallace Shawn, Inconceivable!
I just do not get it.... I stepped on the scale today thinking it would go one way and it went the completely other way. Three fucking pounds?!?!?! I had to do a double take. I have NEVER had a weigh-in like this. And it wasn't just the scale at Weight Watchers I weighed in this morning and sure enough, BAM! three pounds in a day.
I just do not get it... We made a reasonable thanksgiving dinner (Chicken breast, a little stuffing, veggies and a light apple cobbler which I made) I worked out (Cardio class, running and walking) The only bad thing I ate this week was a poutine and ice cream cone at the fair. Nothing to warrant a 3 pound gain. Tuesday morning my weight was looking great on the scale 188.9, it looked like I was going to loose. (TMI) I had had a little digestive distress last night so I was nice and empty. I ate the same thing I always eat and drink on the Tuesday. Maybe I missed something this week, or maybe because I stopped taking my birth control, maybe someone slipped me a cup of salt while I was sleeping, or perhaps I didn't have enough veggies...
I have no fucking clue and I'm getting tired. Like that cry on your walk home from the bus and want to destroy stuff kind of tired. Like the why the fuck haven't I lost anything in 6 months kinda tired. The why am I working so hard for nothing kinda tired. I was all pumped this week. I started this loose 10 pounds for Christmas/Winter Solstice challenge and I thought I would make a dent in that. I was SOOOOO close to my lowest point loss, just one pound shy and now I'm right back up there again. It is frustrating and really testing my resolve.
Is this going to stop me? No
Am I fucking pissed? Yes
Am I going to let it get me down? Well maybe for a bit, can't help it... but I will get right back at it..... still sucks though.
Don't worry, I'm not going to give up, but its going to be hard to pick myself up from this one. I'm just bummed. I am going to try to take inspiration my all time Heroine role model from Kill Bill, Ms. Beatrix Kiddo, she didn't let a bullet to the head stop her, she woke up from that coma, killed a man and wiggled her god damn toe. If it was going to be easy then everybody would be thin.
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