Starting Weight: 303.2 lbs
Weigh in Weight: 194.8 lbs
Weight Variance: +2.4 lbs
Total Weight Loss: 108.4 lbs
It is interesting to note that all Weight Watcher members develop a ritual on the day they are to weigh in. For me it started off with the clothes I wear to the meeting; first I would wear the same outfit every week so that if I fluctuated in weight it cannot be contributed to the change of my wardrobe. Then it changed to wearing my lightest clothes that I own. Then it is how much water I consume on the day. You would be surprised how drinking too much water can affect the scale. Some people have a cut off time; others have a limit of one cup of water or coffee. Speaking of coffee some drink that on weigh in day to promote a good bowl movement. Then it comes to the food someone eats on WID, if you attend a meeting in the morning you might not have breakfast until after your meeting. If your meeting is later in the day, some might eat lighter foods or perhaps not as much until their meeting and have a nice dinner afterwards.
I knew I was going to gain this week, so I am not letting it affect my positive mood. I am going to focus on tracking and living a healthy lifestyle. I bought a new tracker so I will count in a book and online. Being redundant can be good sometimes. I was going to throw out the pie that was in the fridge; however my sister decided to eat it instead. I got her to hide the cookies and original maple syrup somewhere in the house. LOL
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