1) I am going to start tracking my points back on the old Weight Watcher points system. I lost 80 pounds on that program and I am not getting that success on the new system. This means that I am going to have to do it in a book as opposed to online because everything has switched. On the old plan I have 26 points to eat a day and 35 weekly points. Let’s see how this will work.
2) I need to have a better game plan. Smaller goals which will make me feel good. I think to start I am going to get back into the 80’s, then back to 186 (my lowest point of weight loss), then to 183 and then into the 70’s and then to my 125 lbs loss goal of 178.2 and then 175. That is 6 goals. Perhaps I need some visual imagery to inspire me to my goals. Before when first started out losing weight I had the picture of “The Behemoth” as my background on my computer and I found it helped me to focus on my goal. I don’t know what to put now…. some lady in a bikini? I don’t think that is very work place appropriate. I do not have a magnetic fridge where I can place pictures on it to prevent me from going for the pie (which is still in my fridge!!! I am totally throwing it out tonight). Perhaps this blog will be my fridge. So I will first place a bad photo of me:
And now I will put something for me to use as an inspirational motivation. I remember back when I was 300 pounds I was watching Heroes a lot, and I was going through a Sylar/Claire shipping phase. Seeing this promo made me want to look and be like Hayden Panettiere. She looked fit and pretty in this clip and made me hope that I could someday look like that. Here is the link.
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