I had a wonderful time camping this weekend. I went up to Silent Lake near Bancroft where I went swimming, hiking and had a great time socializing with friends under a meteor filled starry sky. The tricky aspect of the weekend was that I had very little control over my food. For the most part the food was pretty healthy, however I ate bread which wasn’t my regular thin Weight Watcher brand, or burgers and potato salad which I have no idea the point value of. The event was run by a friend and she provided the menu selection for me and it was tasty. I even think she tried to pick healthier options for us ladies this year, which I appreciate. Then there was the pit stop at Tim Horton’s where I made sure that I didn’t go crazy on doughnuts and Extra Large French Vanilla Cappuccinos. I brought my own snacks (bananas, cherries and reduced fat Pringles) and beverages (Coke Zero which sometimes had rum included).
Even with all my caution I know I exceeded my point limit. It makes me wonder sometimes about the give and take of weight loss. I work my butt off and then one weekend of fun can set me back. You get mad because you were mindful throughout the entire trip and made better choices then you would have before your weight loss journey. I would hate to think of how much I would have gained if I had not been careful. I have to remind myself that it is a marathon, not a sprint. You need to enjoy yourself some weekend or else you might just go crazy. There are just some events in life like weddings, vacations or trips where you have to take the hit. The important thing is to get back on track as soon as you get back. Do not let that event spread to the next weigh in.
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