So I couldn't find "Zombies, Run!" in the App store. I don't think it is out yet. Boo urns! So I downloaded another one. It was the free version of Paranoid, called ParanoidDES
I decided to launch it on my way home because I wanted to see what it was like before I forked over $4.99. This is the light version so it doesn't have all the bells and whistles, with this I don't get to shoot zombies. I thought that if I were to set my settings on slow zombies that I would easier out run them..... apparently not... well I am not sure because I have to run 5k as a minimum and it's not that far to my house from the bus stop.
So I get off the bus and start up the app. I am walking down the abandoned hiking train near my house, its a bit spooky so perfect for a zombie chase. The soundtrack begins, the app starts yelling at me to run, I have zombies on my tail. The score slowly gets more dramatic, I go from a fast walk, to a slow jog to a faster jog. The trail hasn't really been maintained and there is snow making it difficult to run. I am not really dressed for running, I have this messenger bag over my shoulder, a big winter coat and I'm full of coffee... but there are zombies, so I run faster. It get to a point where I am sprinting and my throat begins to start tasting like blood, I'm getting winded and it's like high school track all over again. I can jog at a solid 4.3 on the treadmill but it feels like I am going 7.5. I eventually have to pause it because it doesn't seem to matter, the zombies are catching up and I am kinda tired. I guess it would be a boring un-motivational app if you could get away. I will try it again when I am properly dressed. The sucky thing is that this works off of GPS so it is not like I can take this on the treadmill and use it at the gym.... it means I have to go outside.... in the cold.
If there are any other fun fitness apps out there please let me know. Something that might be able to train me in the ways of the heroine.
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