Starting Weight: 303.2 lbs
Weigh in Weight: 188.0 lbs
Weight Variance: +1.8 lbs
Total Weight Loss: 115.2 lbs
Tuesday did not turn out they way I had hoped. My date cancelled on me (meh, whatever), my work didn’t cover our holiday lunch (that kind of sucked, but they covered my wine) and I gained 1.8 lbs on the scale (which stunned me). I knew that with the little bit of snacking that I did this week that it was possible that I could gain a bit, but this is ridiculous. Did I really eat that much on my work lunch? I thought a grilled cheese and Cesar salad was a smart selection considering the weight of the items. My leader seems to think it was the sodium in the dressing; however I doubt that I would retain that much over the period of 3 hours. Did I miscalculate the point value for the items I snacked on? Maybe, but even if I was a bit over I had moved my daily points target down. I also I worked out a fair bit so that would count for something. I think what is ticking me off is that considering all the food around the office I would say that I have been pretty good. I was feeling like I had a handle on the holidays. This weight gain is making me feel so guilty for the small amount of snacking I have done. I have lost a month’s worth of work; it is enough to make me cry or scream. I just want to get to my goal. The road to the last 10 lbs has been a bitch. Now I’m worried for the next week. If this is what I get after pre holiday events what will happy during Yule/X-mas proper. So this morning I woke up and asked myself WWSBD? That is "What Would Sydney Bristow Do? Well she would get her cute butt up early, make her way to the gym and get on that treadmill. Which is exactly what I did. Because this isn't going to magically disappear.
I think there is nothing more frustrating then this up/down dance. (I know, I am doing it too). Its just..taking many deep breaths and remembering that you will get there when your body is dang well ready to stop being so stubborn!
ReplyDeleteSometimes life sucks. I've never gone through this but I have gone through other hugely, karmically unfair things. Good on you for expressing your frustration and then tackling the problem (by going to the gym). We're all proud of you.
ReplyDeleteWish I could help. I'm afraid to even look at the scale since Mark's visit. I'm trying to be good for a little bit first.
ReplyDeleteI put on 5 lbs during the holidays and dropped almost all of it again in the first week back to my normal routine. I guess a lot of it was just water from all the salty snacks. Still, the scale does vary a bit and when the number is higher than we expect it can be very disappointing. I love to weigh myself and I'm sad to say that I allow the number far too much significance. I have to remember to focus on the daily routines and the overall weight trends. But it's good to be back at it!