So I was at the gym yesterday and I am getting changed. I noticed that the woman next to me is looking at my stomach. Even though I have created a hardened wall when it comes to people judging my appearance, my tummy has always been the part of my body that I am the most sensitive about. I am proud that I have reduced my waist line considerably, however with that comes the unfortunately reality of excess skin. Now when one loses a lot of weight you have to imagine the body like a balloon. After it has been inflated it will never return to its original shape. The longer it is inflated the more stretched out it will be when it deflates. I am thankful that I am young when I lost my weight, for the most part I did not have a lot of excess skin. I do however have it noticeably on my stomach; It sort of hangs over the top of my belly button making it look like it is frowning at me. I am not sure it I will ever be able to get it to go away and have that bikini body I have always dreamed of. That is the frustrating part. I wouldn’t want surgery, that will just leave me with another scar and I will just ruin it when I have children. I do not mind the stretch marks, they are like badges of honor. The excess skin is hard to hide though. *sigh* I just want to rock a bikini top at festival, I want to have that toned aesthetic. I am hoping that with strength training and time that I can minimize it. Now do not think that I am all down and depressed about this, I just wanted to share that everybody has their issues, if we like it or not.
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