Weight Watchers Stats
Starting Weight: 303.2 lbs
Weigh in Weight: 192.0 lbs
Total Weight Loss: 111.2 lbs
Yesterday I met up with my friend Sabrina at the Lulu Lemon on Queen Street West near Spadina Ave. Turns out they have free yoga classes every Tuesday at 8pm. This week they did something called Laughter Yoga. It was more about improving ones mood, although there was movement and some stretching. When I entered the class I was feeling around a 6 and by the end my stress was gone and I felt better (around an 8). You have to embrace the experience and be prepared to feel like and idiot because you have to laugh as much as "The Joker" does. Afterwards we went to Fresh and had a tasty dinner. This felt a lot better then my typical Tuesday night gorge fest after Weight Watchers.
I didn't know they had free yoga classes! I want to take up yoga again but I don't shop at Lululemon. Will they care?