I have been attending and enjoying their Wednesday one hour open house meditation sessions off and on during the summer. My goal with their mindful meditation practice is to discipline my mind. In this day and age we have lost the ability to still our minds. I have discovered that it’s a lot harder than I thought it would be. For instance I try to focus on my breath; mantraing “Breathe in, breathe out” and then my mind drifts and I start thinking about the awesome sushi I just ate for dinner or how itchy my foot is. I feel like Julia Roberts in Eat Prey Love. I love guided meditation where someone leads your mind on a journey, however I need to grow beyond it. I also discovered that sitting cross legged for 30 minutes at a time is not easy, as my back began to hurt. First because I was slouching, then when I had proper posture the other muscles which I typical do not engage started to strain as well. I think this is going to take practice and I think I should throw in a few additional back exercises into my work out routine.
Finally I am quite proud that I got to work out my will power. Cakes and brownies were on display yesterday in the office and I resisted. On my noon walk I passed an ice cream truck and I resisted. After meditation there was tea and cookies and I only drank the tea. A friend and I went to a falafel place and I ordered a Coke Zero and not a second dinner/snack. I keep thinking that nothing tastes as good and thin feels and that I am strong. Lets see how I hold up today. I’m going to Goodlife tonight after work so tomorrow you will get to read all about that. :) Cheers and keep focused.
Haha, there was so much controversy around Kate Moss when she made that comment, BUT ITS TRUE. Proud of your will power.. I need to exercise some of my own!