So last night I was stocking my iPod up with new music and content and I found my old hypnosis mp3’s. I love these things and they were very helpful so I thought I would talk about them today. Back when I was smoking I saw these horrible anti smoking commercial series called “Every cigarette”.
This freaked me out, enough to quit. I watched this testimonial on Ellen from Ewan McGregor for Max Kirsten’s hypnosis mp3’s, that they really helped him to quit being a pack a day smoker. How can I not take such a handsome mans advice LOL. So I downloaded them and played them every day and eventually (along with the nicotine patches) I stopped. The recording starts off by getting you relaxed and in a receptive state and Max’s dulcet voice gives you phrases that help to change your perspective on smoking, like “It’s not pleasure, it’s poison” or mantras like “Every day and in every way I am getting better and better.” After listening to it a few dozen times the words sink in. They become your perspective or desires. Now when I think about smoking a cigarette my mind screams “It’s not pleasure, it’s poison!” and I stop. So when I discovered that he had a weight loss series and downloaded those too. I would listen to them on the way to work and the constant affirmations made you feel better. “I will only take what I need to survive for today.” “I will crave fresh fruit and vegetables.” I am not saying that this should be your only resource, however I think this is a great booster when you are starting to slip off your motivation. Re-program your way of thinking.
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