Friday, March 30, 2012

Session with Adam

I did a circuit training session with Adam yesterday. 30 squwats with the 40 lb kettle bell, 1 minutes of swings with the 40 lb kettle bell, push him accross the gym with the fitness ball, crunches, alternating arm/leg lifts and slams with the medicine ball for 1 minutes. Lather, rinse, repeat. I always seem to get really winded, I am always worried that I will pass out but he makes sure that I have recovered before I move on to the next excersize. Next session with him is on Wednesday, I think I will get in a nice long walk on Saturday and then my workout with Christine of Monday night. I have stuck to tracking and eating according to plan for the last 3.5 days. It feels good to be back in a routine. I hope that my body has recovered to want to lose the weight now.

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